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If you have been referred by one of our client Industry Attorneys, please click here. Otherwise, please review the following information.

Sales promotions, sweepstakes and contests have great value in attracting customers to your website or stores. They increase your sales and brand recognition and help your business be more successful. They also help generate sales leads as potential clients register for your promotion.

It is important to design and conduct your promotion properly. Many government rules and regulations exist for promotions such as sweepstakes, contests and games of chance. Since multiple government agencies regulate promotions, you must research and abide by different laws in different jurisdictions that often change. If not done properly, the promotion becomes a legal and public relations nightmare rather than a business promoting event.

Many qualified experts are available to provide services to help you in the promotion marketing industry. Our client Sales Promotion Agencies and Industry Attorneys are able to assist you successfully design and conduct your business promotions so you accomplish your specific goals. If you would like to make your next promotion as successful as possible, please contact us for referrals to some of the best Agencies and Attorneys in the promotion marketing industry.

For more information about the sales promotion industry, we also recommend the Promotion Marketing Association (PMA) as a reliable and valuable source of help. is proud to be a member of the PMA. You can learn more about the services of the PMA and how sweepstakes and contests can be a valuable addition to your marketing program at